Warhammer - New and Exciting!

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595 products

Old World: Walls and Fences

$36.99 CAD


Old World: Sigmarite Chapel of the Empire

$56.99 CAD


Old World: Fortified Manor of the Empire

$128.99 CAD


Dwarfen Holds: Dwarf King with Oathstone

$32.99 CAD


Dwarfen Artillery: Cannon & Organ Gun

$85.99 CAD


Dwarfen Mountain Holds: Gyrocopters & Gyrobombers

$85.99 CAD


Dwarfen Mountain Holds: Dwarf Miners

$67.99 CAD


Necromunda: Orrus Spyrer Hunters

$56.99 CAD


Necromunda: Trazior Pattern Sentry Guns

$47.99 CAD


Necromunda: Van Saar Tek-Hunters

$58.99 CAD


Malcadon, Yeld & Jakara Spyrer Hunter

$58.99 CAD


Necromunda: Genestealer Abomination Gang

$58.99 CAD


Skaven: Clawlord (Direct)

$31.99 CAD


Imperial Agents: Captain Artemis

$44.99 CAD


Imperial Agents: Vindicare Assassin

$44.99 CAD


595 products